Maritime Splitter


Nikolaus A. Sifferlinger

Born in 1961, married, two grown-up children.

Interest in maritime topics since childhood, influenced by my father who once wanted to join the navy. So there was always enough literature on naval aspects on hand.

In 1972 a Christmas present was the book “The Austro-Hungarian Navy” from Anthony E. Sokol, which brought me the knowledge that Austria once had access to the sea.

Today in the European Union borders are no longer that important and one is a citizen of Europe.

It was only in 1976 when I first saw the Adriatic in Trieste, 1979 first time on board HMS BELFAST in London.

From 1982 onward regular visits and sailings at sea, licence to sail with motor and sailing yards as skipper.

Contributor to „Weyer´s Warships of the World“ and „Jane´s Fighting Ships”.

2001 till 2010 founder and editor of the quarterly journal “Austria Maritime”.

Author of „Auslaufen verspricht Erfolg – History of Radiotelegraphy in the Austrian-Hungarian Navy“ (2000), „SANKT GEORG – Austro-Hungaria´s last Armoured Cruiser” (2003), “Rapid cruiser HELGOLAND” (2006) and “Austrian Merchant Ships 1955 till 2010” (2010).

As Officer in Reserve several times aboard the Austrian Danube patrol vessel NIEDERÖSTERREICH and participation in the decommissioning ceremony on 1 August 2006.

Member of the International Naval Research Organisation and World Ship Society and MK ALBATROS, Leoben.

Founding member of the Naval Radio Club Austria (MFCA), Radio callsign OE8NIK.

Works as engineer in Electrics/Electronics/Machinery world-wide.